Notes of Rasmus Johanson

SAMD21 M0-Mini & CircuitPython

24 Feb, 2021

SAMD21 M0-Mini is a cheap clone of Arduino M0-mini sold under various names and sellers. RobotDyn offers the same board with and without CircuitPython support. Accidentally I ordered units without one and the following is how to get UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython working on these devices. If you want to skip the following, make sure you order a board with CircuitPython. It will cost you a few more bucks, RobotDyn offers both.


i3 transparent placeholder

20 Aug, 2020

i3 does have i3 open command to open blank/empty container but at least for me it draws weird container borders on desktop and in general is undocumented and unreliable.


Tasmotized Sonoff IFan03 and HASS

06 Jul, 2020

Sonoff IFan03 is a cheap little device for controlling a ceiling fan that you can manage over WiFi or 433MHz radio. Thankfully, it's very easy to flash open source Tasmota on it.


i3, XF86 multimedia keys and xdotool

16 Apr, 2018

Chromium (and Google Chrome) does not let you change the default keyboard shortcuts. Because they decided to remove backspace as a go back in history because it was confusing, the only shortcut left to navigate back is Alt+Right.
